SLP Survival Guide for the First Week Back to School
August 16, 2020
Typically we would start a back to school post by saying how bittersweet it is to be going back because 1. we can’t wait to see our students and 2. who doesn’t love summer break? While we hope you were able to take advantage of some much deserved rest and relaxation, this summer and year have been like no other that we have ever experienced in our lifetimes. With so many unknowns, we are already starting this school year with stress and uncertainty and we need to give ourselves grace and patience as we navigate through it!
We have spoken with SLPs from all over the nation and everyone is going back to school differently. Some will be virtual only, some will be in person, and some will incorporate a hybrid approach. I created a video to answer some questions about what scheduling may look like during this time but I know each of your circumstances are unique and it’s going to involve some serious problem solving to schedule students this year. (Here is the Facebook LIVE video I did in our members only Facebook group if you want to check it out).
Although, everyone’s first week back to school is going to look a little different we have created a checklist of what we would do the first week back! You may need to tweak some of the steps but hopefully, this will get you started on the right track! And the best part? So many of the steps that used to be manual or on paper are now included in SLP Toolkit 🎉🎉 Click here for our most recent update of the back to school checklist!
Wishing each and every one of you amazing humans the best as we venture into this craziness. You are not alone. As a reminder and affirmation of your awesomeness check out this video from a part of Phuong Lien Palafox’s SLP Summit presentation:
Sarah & Lisa